CODAR Seasondes

Monitoring sea surface currents in Canada - Contact Us: (902) 826-0033

Monitoring Surface Currents

CODAR HF radars produce wide-area maps of surface currents (see example in side bar). OEA Technologies is CODAR's exclusive sales and technical services representative in Canada (except BC). Technical services include site selection, installation, operational monitoring and system maintenance.


"Dr. Whitehouse's frequent status reports, troubleshooting efforts, strategic vision, and recommendations for the optimal use of resources were critical to the provision of surface current data for the project."
LCdr D. Williams, Senior Staff Officer, Meteorology and Oceanography, Halifax.

Which CODAR SeaSonde Should I Use?

CODAR HF radars (also called "SeaSondes") are located entirely onshore (i.e. no in-water components). They are available in various models that are similar in design, but transmit at different frequencies and bandwidth.

To choose the model that fits your needs,  Contact Us.

Here are a few example applications:

Check out the book A Sense of the Sea

According to ocean observing specialist Dr. Brian G. Whitehouse, the common view of the sea is based on perception, not fact.

learn more

Contact Us:

Tel: (902) 826-0033  
Email: Click here